Partner with Volo

Automate cloud management with the Volo Cloud Foundations SaaS and transform your Cloud challenegs into Profits.

Do you want to Disrupt or be Disrupted?


The Reduced partner cash funding from Cloud Service Providers and more competitive market.

The New Reality: An Opportunity for Disruption

In today cloud market, where funding mechanisms are shifting, Service Providers have a unique opportunity to stand out by offering free setup and management of best practice cloud landing zones and shared services. With the elimination of customer matching requirements, you can provide essential services like the AWS Mobilize phase or modernization at little to no cost to your clients, all while maintaining or even increasing your margins


Service Providers are under pressure as CSPs reduce funding, squeezing profit margins. With increasing competition, standing out in the cloud services market is harder than ever. To stay profitable, efficient cloud management now requires strong automation.

The Volo Solution

The fully automated SaaS platform to configure, secure and optimize cloud environments.

Choosing Volo for Cloud Automation

Volo automates the setup, configuration and ongoing maintenance of best practice Cloud Foundations (Landing Zones and Shared Services), and advanced modules such as VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) and soon, AI best practice setups. This comprehensive automation enables Service Providers to deliver superior, standardized services with minimal overhead, ensuring continuous compliance, security, and operational efficiency.

Key Benefits for Service Providers

Service Providers can use CSP funding and Volo to offer no-cost cloud services, boosting margins and efficiency. Clients benefit from these services with faster, cost-effective deployments, and secure, compliant cloud environments.

Partner with Volo: Lead the Disruption

Are You Going to Disrupt or Be Disrupted? The Choice is Yours.

As a Service Provider, you face a pivotal choice: adapt to the evolving landscape and become a disruptor, or risk being disrupted. By partnering with Volo, you can leverage our automated SaaS to stay ahead of the competition, offering unparalleled value to your clients while securing your position as a market leader.

Recognized globally for innovation in cloud technology